Your Safety is our priority!
We are an independent inspection company based in Manchester with a wealth of experience within the industry.
Working within the inspection industry since 2009 for a highly reputed company we are now proud to be able offer our own services to you.
Our mission is to provide a unique personal service to your company and offer you the correct advise for you to decide how we can best assist your company in staying compliant
We aim to be a competitive alternative to larger companies offering the same excellent service but to work with your company to inspect the right equipment, at the right time and put your safety first.
We carry out statutory thorough examinations of all lifting equipment under LOLER (Lifting Operations Lifting Equipment Regulations) regulation 9
SLiC carry out statutory thorough examinations under PSSR (Pressure System Safety Regulations) in accordance with a WSE (Written Scheme of Examination) under regulations 8 & 9
We carry out statutory thorough examinations of a variety of LEV (Local Exhaust Ventilation) under COSHH (Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health regulation 9
Under PUWER (Provisions and use of Work Equipment Regulations) we carry out thorough examinations / safety inspections of a vast range of plant and machinery under regulation 6
Under the Working At Height Regulations (WAHR) we carry out statutory thorough examinations of a variety of working at height equipment in accordance with regulation 12
On completion of all of our examinations / safety inspections we will produce reports of examination in accordance with the relevant regulations
Lee is our founder. He has a twelve year military background and has a wide range of engineering experience from basic Mechanical Engineering to maintenance and installation complex Cryogenic systems. Lee Is also a qualified, DBS checked football coach, Goal Keeper coach who gives his own time to develop children in the local community